Commission calendar
See the main events in the Commission's calendar.
- October 2014
- May 2014
- April 2014
- March 2014
- February 2014
- January 2014
- December 2013
- November 2013
- October 2013
- September 2013
- June 2013
- May 2013
- April 2013
- March 2013
October 2014
13-17 October
Money Week 2014
The Commission runs Money Week 2014.
See the Money Week website to plan or register an event.
May 2014
27-30 May
OECD-Turkish Global Conference on Financial Education
Istanbul, Turkey
The Commission was represented at INFE meetings and the OECD-Turkish Global Conference on Financial Education.
21-23 May
2014 IFIE-IOSCO Global Investor Education Conference
The Commission was represented at the .
15 May
Understanding Exchange Traded Funds
The first session in a pilot programme of free lunchtime education sessions run by the NZX and The Commission for Financial Literacy and Retirement Income.
April 2014
17 April 2014
Retirement incomes policy: The future is now
The University of Auckland Business School, Auckland
This forum examined proposals put forward by the Retirement Commissioner and other stakeholders and interest groups.
10 April 2014
Launch of new tools and resources for schools
A function, organised by the Commission and hosted by ASB, to celebrate a new era in financial literacy in schools including the launch of the the Financial Literacy Progressions.
Financial literacy: Skills for life
A free workshop for registered teachers organised by the Commission and hosted by ASB.
March 2014
12 March
He Kai Kei Aku Ringa
The Commission organised a hui with the partner working group of He Kai Kei Aku Ringa (The Crown-Māori Economic Growth Partnership) on Māori financial literacy.
February 2014
28 February
Financial Literacy Practitioners and Providers Network
Commission staff attend the Auckland Financial Literacy Practitioners and Providers Network meeting.
26-27 February
High-level Global Symposium on Financial Education
Seoul, South Korea
Retirement Commissioner Diane Maxwell attends the High-level Global Symposium on Financial Education: Promoting Long-term Savings and Investments, co-organised by the OECD.
26 February
Albany, Auckland
Meeting of the Albany Schools Cluster co-hosted by the Commission and Albany Junior High School.
20 February
NetGuide Web Awards
The Commission was represented at the 2013 ESET NetGuide Web Awards where has been nominated as a finalist in the category Best Financial Site.
14 February
PwC hosts consultation on the updated National Strategy for Financial Literacy.
1 February-7 March
National Strategy for Financial Literacy
Consultation with stakeholders on an updated National Strategy for Financial Literacy.
January 2014
9 January
CIEDESS seminar
Robyn Scott, Education Manager, presents at an CIEDESS international financial and social security education seminar.
December 2013
12 December
2013 Review of Retirement Income Policies
Focusing on the Future, the 2013 Review of Retirement Income Policies report to Government is tabled.
2-3 December
International Seminar on Financial Literacy
Malcolm Menzies (Group Manager Research & Corporate Services) speaks on lessons learned from New Zealand's experience.
2 December
The Exchange
Launch of The Exchange, a new financial literacy initiative coordinated by the Commission.
November 2013
22 November
Annual Report
The Commission's 2013 Annual Report is presented to Parliament.
Read the report (PDF 2.27 MB, Nov 2013)
15 November
KiwiSaver fund finder
Release of the KiwiSaver fund finder, an online tool which lets people compare performance, fees and services offered by providers for funds that fit their risk profile.
October 2013
31 October
Global Policy Research Symposium to Advance Financial Literacy
OECD Headquarters, Paris, France
Diane Maxwell is a panellist at the session Leapfrogging: Innovative ideas across fields.
18 October
Consumer Credit and Financial Literacy Forum: Responsible Lenders, Informed Borrowers
Otara, Auckland
Chaired by Diane Maxwell, Retirement Commissioner
9 October
Focusing on the Future
The 2013 Review of Retirement Income Policies discussion document is released.
September 2013
1 Sept - 7 Sept
Money Week
Organisations throughout New Zealand hold money-themed events to help Kiwis learn about every day money.
17 September
Financial Literacy and Retirement Savings conference
Executive Director, David Kneebone spoke about New Zealand’s financial literacy programme.
June 2013
13-14 June
2013 Financial Literacy Summit
The Langham Hotel, Auckland
Pre-summit workshops: 13 June
- What works? Research and evaluation in financial literacy
- Financial fitness for students in the 21st century
- Investor education – your chance to contribute to NZ’s action plan
- Financial education with Māori
2013 Financial Literacy Summit: 14 June
18-19 June 2013
Financial Knowledge and Behaviour Survey: Presentation of results
Auckland and Wellington
May 2013
14-17 May
OECD conference and and INFE meetings
Prague, Czech Republic
14 May: INFE Advisory Board and Expert Subgroup meeting
15 May: 11th Meeting of International Network on Financial Education (INFE)
16-17 May: OECD Conference: Promoting financial wellbeing through financial education and awareness
21 May
Statement of Intent 2013-16 published
22-23 May
Consumer Rights Days
22 May: Consumer Rights Day, Dunedin
23 May: Consumer Rights Day, Invercargill
Presentations by Jane Ratcliffe, Digital Product Manager
31 May
NZ Capital Markets Symposium
AUT Conference Centre, Auckland
The Interim Retirement Commissioner is a discussant at the symposium.
31 May
Closing date for submissions on the Terms of Reference for the 2013 review of retirement income policy.
April 2013
3 April 2013
Call for submissions on the Terms of Reference for the 2013 review of retirement income policy.
24-26 April
APEC Conference on Financial and Economic Literacy in Basic Education
Beijing, China
30 April
ASIC National Financial Literacy Forum
Sydney, Australia
Former Retirement Commissioner, Diana Crossan, and Executive Director David Kneebone are the speakers in the session What can we learn from other countries?
March 2013
25 March 2013
Diane Maxwell’s three-month short-term secondment as Retirement Commissioner begins.