Community projects

We work in collaboration with a network of national and international financial literacy stakeholders to promote financial literacy. This page outlines  our current projects.

National Strategy for Financial Literacy

We play a leadership role among the many groups who have signed up to action New Zealand’s National Strategy for Financial Literacy. 


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Money Week

Money Week 2014 runs from 13 to 17 October.

Money Week launched in  2012 as a focal point for public-facing activities by the various groups who make up this country’s financial literacy movement.

The financial education events and activities are designed to give people confidence with money matters and empower them to make the right choices.

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Investor education

In the aftermath of the finance company meltdowns, it is clear that the New Zealand investing public needs to be better equipped to make critical decisions about prospective investments. With this motivation, we are working with the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) and major financial institutions to develop and implement an investor education programme that will prepare New Zealanders to make more informed choices about where they invest in the future. This is especially relevant as New Zealanders have opportunities to invest via the Mixed Ownership Model of Crown assets.

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Improving New Zealanders’ understanding of KiwiSaver

We continue to work with the finance sector, the FMA and the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) to improve KiwiSaver product disclosure and provide clear and comparable information on the performance and fees charged by different KiwiSaver schemes. We also participate in the KiwiSaver evaluation group. In 2013 we launched the a tool for comparing and choosing a KiwiSaver fund.

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Financial literacy summits

The financial literacy summit, Financial Literacy 2013 was held in Auckland in June. The summits are held every second year.


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Christchurch residents information programme

In 2011, we implemented an information programme for Christchurch red zone residents facing significant financial decisions (notably whether or not to accept payout offers) to provide information about options and issues to all Canterbury residents affected by the Christchurch earthquakes. 

See the  on the Sorted website.

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